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Reverse Osmosis Systems in Jacksonville, FL

Give us a call today: 727-232-9240

Reverse osmosis systems represent some of the most advanced and effective water filtration technologies available for residential use. For superior protection of your household’s drinking water, reach out to Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning today to explore reverse osmosis system installation. With our extensive expertise in water treatment in Jacksonville, FL, we look forward to adding you to our roster of satisfied clients.

  • In business since 1977
  • Locally-owned and operated
  • Back our work with two-year guarantees on all repairs

Whether you’re just starting to consider water treatment options or have already decided on a reverse osmosis system, our team is here to help. Our technicians are well-equipped to guide you through the decision-making process and ensure the precise installation of your water treatment system.

Don’t sweat: call Bayonet! We install and service reverse osmosis systems.


How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

Osmosis is a natural process where molecules and ions move through a membrane. This process is observed in various biological systems, such as plants and human cells.

Reverse osmosis systems use two distinct pressure levels. On one side of a semi-permeable membrane, there is higher pressure due to contaminants and salts in the untreated water. As the water flows through the membrane to the lower pressure side, impurities like debris, chemicals, and salts are left behind. Water molecules, being smaller, pass through more easily compared to larger contaminants.

The high cost of reverse osmosis systems is attributed to the substantial pressure needed to reverse the natural osmosis process. This pressure forces the water through the membrane, effectively purifying it by overcoming the natural tendency of pure water to blend with impure water. The system also includes advanced filters to ensure its effectiveness.

Choosing a Reverse Osmosis System for Your Home

While standard water filters are effective for many impurities, reverse osmosis systems are essential for removing very fine particulates and salts. If you use a water softener, which adds sodium to soften the water, a reverse osmosis system becomes crucial to eliminate excess salts. High sodium levels in drinking water can lead to dehydration and other health issues, making reverse osmosis a vital solution.

Reverse Osmosis Installation

Reverse osmosis systems can be expensive, especially if you rely solely on sales pitches or online information. At Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer straightforward advice from experienced water filtration professionals. Serving the Jacksonville, FL area for years, we provide reverse osmosis system installation, maintenance, and repair.

During our visit, we will test your water to identify any contaminants. Based on your specific needs and current water treatment systems, we’ll determine whether a reverse osmosis system or a simpler kitchen filter is the best choice. Contact us today to ensure the safety and purity of your drinking water.

Serving All of the Jacksonville Area
