Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Tampa’

Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance in Florida?

Monday, August 21st, 2023

As a homeowner, you may have heard that air conditioner maintenance should be performed before the cooling season begins. But when you need AC maintenance in Tampa, FL, you might be wondering exactly what that means. After all, our cooling season is quite lengthy!

Ideally, AC maintenance should happen before you switch to using your AC. But to answer the question, Is it too late for AC maintenance in Florida, the answer is definitely not. In fact, we’d argue that AC tune-ups are more vital here than in any other part of the US. Let’s explain.

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Torrential Florida Rain & Plumbing Problems

Monday, August 7th, 2023
Heavy rain causing flooding and deep puddles

As a Florida homeowner, have you experienced issues with your plumbing after torrential rain and heavy storms? You’re not alone. Plumbing problems are fairly common when our area is inundated with heavy rain. 

When the rain pours down in Tampa, FL, your plumbing system is probably the farthest thing from your mind. But heavy rain can affect your plumbing if you’re not prepared, and don’t know what could go wrong. Let’s go over potential issues to be aware of and signs that heavy rains have warranted the need for plumbing repair.

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You Need Emergency Plumbing Repair For These 5 Issues

Monday, June 26th, 2023

When your home’s plumbing systems aren’t working properly, you’ll know it immediately. There’s nothing that’ll disrupt your day like an overflowing toilet or a lukewarm shower. 

Although it can be hard to know what constitutes an urgent need for plumbing assistance, there are some situations that warrant a call to an emergency plumber in Tampa, FL. Let’s go over 5 issues that you shouldn’t try to DIY fix and that need to be addressed ASAP.

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How To Improve Low Water Pressure in Your Plumbing

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Low water pressure is one of those things that homeowners tend to ignore despite how annoying it can be. When you take a shower and the water flow is merely adequate, or when you’re trying to scrub some dirty dishes with a weak water flow from the kitchen faucet, it’s a hassle but the assumption is that it’s not enough to warrant a service call. 

We understand that you’ve got many other priorities as a homeowner, especially this time of year. But we want to give you the little nudge you need to schedule an appointment with one of our plumbers in Tampa, FL. We’ll pinpoint the cause of your low water pressure and get it taken care of. Let’s go over some common causes of low water pressure that are affecting multiple fixtures in your home. 

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Save Water With a Reverse Osmosis System

Monday, June 13th, 2022

water-sampleThere is a reason why many people are more hesitant to drink water straight from their sink versus the water that comes from, say, their refrigerator water dispenser. The answer is the filtration of the water.

Well filtered water is often better tasting to drink and, for human beings, that translates to being safer to drink too. While faucet water isn’t going to make us sick, it may have higher levels of certain metals or minerals that you’d rather not ingest.

With this in mind, we’d like to bring up the idea of installing a water filter into your plumbing system. This makes it easier to get access to filtered water without a refrigerator distillation system or a pitcher for filtration.

Here is what you need to know about installing a reverse osmosis system as your whole-house water treatment system in Tampa.

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Do You Need to Clear Your Drains?

Monday, May 16th, 2022

If you’ve ever encountered a clogged drain in the middle of making a meal or taking a shower, you know how frustrating it can be. Suddenly you have to readjust your plan for the day until you can clear whatever is blocking the drain. In some cases, a plunger and some elbow grease are enough, but in other situations, you’ll need additional help.

Clogged drains are bothersome, to say the least. That is why it pays off to have a reliable resource to address that clog and prevent more in the future. You can find that solution through drain cleaning in Tampa. Read on to learn more about the benefits of drain cleaning and then reach out to our team to schedule your appointment.

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You Can Come To Us For Plumbing Emergencies

Monday, November 1st, 2021

A plumbing emergency can create plenty of chaos in your house. At best, it may mean you have to forgo the use of a sink for a day or so. At worst, however, an emergency can leave you with no use of a vital plumbing appliance, water damage, and more troubles as well. There is a reason why we provide 24-hour plumbing in Tampa, FL.

Plumbing emergencies almost never occur during a convenient time. If you discover a serious problem that will create additional trouble if left unaddressed, it is well worth it to reach out for emergency service. Come to our team for your 24-hour plumbing needs–we’ve got you covered.

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Why You Shouldn’t Skip Maintenance

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Summer is in full swing and it is a hot one. Thank goodness we live in an era with air conditioning systems to help keep us cool! Without these wonderful systems who knows how some of us would be able to function.

Speaking of functioning well, how it that air conditioner of yours holding up? It may be working pretty well at the moment but if you haven’t gotten air conditioning maintenance in Tampa, FL yet, the chances of that continuing aren’t very good.

Maintenance, even if it is done later in the season, can be what makes or breaks your ability to enjoy a cool home this summer. You should never skip a tune-up!

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How to Check Your Ducts for Leaks

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Locating and sealing off leaks in the ductwork is vital if you want to enjoy proper heating and cooling. Plus, ductwork full of leaks will result in higher utility bills and dust build-up inside your home.

Here are a few ways on how to check ducts for leaks:

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Warning Signs Your Boiler Needs Help

Monday, January 25th, 2021

service-timeThe issue may go unnoticed for a little while because you don’t need to use your boiler too often around here. However, eventually, you pick up on the fact that something is wrong with the operation of your boiler heater.

There is more than one way to react to this revelation. One option is to try to press on and ignore the issue as long as the system doesn’t fully breakdown. Another option is to try to identify and fix the problem yourself. And, last but certainly not least, you can reach out for professional boiler repair in Tampa, FL.

We would strongly suggest going with the third option for the sake of your safety and comfort. Boiler repairs should always be left in the hands of trained professionals. Here are some signs that it is time to reach out for this vital service.

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