Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Orlando’

Here’s What Might Be Wrong with Your Heat Pump

Monday, July 15th, 2019

man-with-fanIt’s the middle of summer here in Florida, which means that the last thing you need on your hands is a broken heat pump. Obviously, you can deal with things like alligators, tropical storms, and sunburns, but how the heck are you supposed to go on living with a faulty heat pump system?

Well, the good news is that there are a number of reasons why your heat pump might not be working as it should, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! (And remember, if you find yourself dealing with a fussy heat pump, do not hesitate to contact your Orlando AC repair experts!) 

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Give Your AC a Boost With These Cool Tricks!

Monday, July 1st, 2019

SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE—this means ice cream galore, regular trips to the beach, and of course, using your air conditioner at full blast! Here in Florida, we use our air conditioners a whole bunch, especially during the summer. And yes, while this may keep your home nice and comfortable, it can certainly make those energy bills rise.. and rise.. and rise.

Surely you’ve got plenty of other things to worry about during the summer besides high cooling costs… like perfecting your tan. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of things that you can do to boost your air conditioning efficiency, and below, we have listed quite a few of them. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! So, what are you waiting for?

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All The Reasons To Go Ductless This Summer!

Monday, May 20th, 2019

Okay, it’s likely that you aren’t as excited about ductless systems as we are—but, you should be!

Ductless systems are perfect for homeowners whose homes lack the space for ductwork or for those who wish to cut down on monthly spending costs!

And if neither of those are reason enough, we can dig even deeper. In fact, we are willing to bet that we can find some reason or other for you to consider going ductless by the end of this blog post.

All you have to do is keep reading to find out more about the benefits of a ductless system. So, what are you waiting for?

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Is Your Main Sewer Line in Trouble?

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Your main sewer line, while you likely don’t give it much thought, is one of the most, if not the most, important component of your plumbing system. This is one of the two main plumbing lines connected to your home. Your main sewer line is responsible for removing all of the wastewater from your home and moving it into your city’s civil sewer system. Since your main sewer line is hidden underground, it can be quite easy to forget about… that is until trouble arises.

Trouble with your main sewer line is certainly a cause for concern and requires the hands of a trained plumber in Orlando, FL right away. This is why it is important to be aware of the signs that your main sewer line needs repair. Fortunately for you, we have outlined some of these warning signs below. Keep reading to learn more! 

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It’s Time for a New Air Filter!

Monday, February 25th, 2019

Summer is right around the corner, which means its time to start thinking about your air conditioner! During the hottest time of the year, you expect your air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable, however, it is only going to perform its job well if it receives the attention it requires.  Otherwise, you could be left dealing with a whole variety of unforeseen problems. One way that you can prepare for the season ahead is to change your AC’s air filter.

Many homeowners tend to minimize the importance of changing their air filters, so it may only get changed during an annual maintenance visit. However, it is recommended that your air filter is changed every 1-3 months. Here in Florida, we use our air conditioners a lot, so failure to change an air filter can definitely affect the overall function of your system. Below, we have outlined some of the reasons why you need to change your air filter regularly. Keep reading to learn more. 

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No, It’s Not Too Early for AC Services

Monday, February 11th, 2019

tools-and-air-conditionerOkay sure, here in Florida we rarely go a day without using our air conditioners, so what exactly does “pre-season” mean when almost every day feels like summer? The line between winter and summer can be a little unclear, so to be a little more specific, we are referring to the months leading up to April, before temperatures climb into the 80s and beyond.

Scheduling your AC services before temperatures skyrocket is the best way to ensure a comfortable, enjoyable summer. You have plenty of other things to worry about besides a faulty AC, like getting the perfect tan, finding the best ice cream parlor, and remembering to pack the sunscreen when you head to the beach. When you schedule your AC services now, you can rest assured knowing that your system will keep you cool and comfortable, even during the hottest heatwave. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of pre-season AC services. 

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Don’t Downplay Bathroom Plumbing Problems!

Monday, November 19th, 2018

bubbling-drainThere are a lot of great perks that come with owning your own home. There is also a lot of potential for problems to develop over time. If and when you run into such problems, you want to have them resolved as soon as possible. We know that homeowners today have a lot on their plates, and there are certain headaches that we’d all rather ignore. That does not change the fact that certain issues deserve your prompt attention, though.

Case in point? Problems with your bathroom plumbing in Orlando, FL. Is every issue with your bathroom plumbing an emergency? No, maybe not. Does it always benefit you to have any problem, no matter how “minor,” resolved as soon as possible? Absolutely. The fact that you can put up with a problem does not mean that it is not taking its toll in any number of ways. Here are a few examples of problems with your bathroom plumbing that you really cannot afford to ignore.

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Professional Plumbers Clean Drains Effectively

Monday, November 5th, 2018

sink-drainingIn this age where the phone in your pocket can unlock an essentially limitless amount of information, it can be easy to convince oneself that one can handle his or her own projects around the house. And you know what? Many of the projects you need done around the house can be handled in a DIY manner with a bit of research and some elbow grease. Responsible homeowners are the ones that know their limits, though. We’re guessing, for instance, that you wouldn’t try to replace your home piping system.

However, some jobs that you might not expect actually require a professional plumber in Orlando, FL. Case in point is the cleaning of your drains. But I have liquid drain cleaner in my cabinet, you may be thinking. I can pick up a hand auger at the hardware store, you may insist. Sure, you can try those methods. Just don’t be surprised when you find yourself in need of our professional drain cleaning services anyway.

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You Need That Heater Tuned Up!

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

furnace-repairIn Florida, the air conditioners in our homes are obviously working harder and much more frequently than the heating systems are. This does not mean, however, that you can afford to ignore any signs of trouble with the heater that you depend upon when temperatures do finally drop below a comfortable level in the winter. If you are serious about getting the most from your heater, you need to work with a great HVAC  company in Orlando, FL.

Reading this means that you are well on your way to doing so. The next step is to understand that you don’t want to wait for something to go wrong with your heating system before you go ahead and give us a call. We are more than ready and willing to repair your heater for you, of course. However, you should also take advantage of our heating Maximum Value Protection Club maintenance plan. This will help to ensure that your heating system is ready for whatever the colder time of the year can throw your way.

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What a Refrigerant Leak Means for Your AC

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-with-fanAny problems with your air conditioning system are of major concern when you live in as hot of a climate as we do. Florida is just not the type of place where “good enough” is ever truly good enough when it comes to your air conditioning system! That is why you need to contact a member of our team the moment that you think you need AC repair in Orlando, FL. Problems truly cannot wait.

Now, we know what some of you are bound to be thinking. “Well, my air conditioner is up and running, so at least the problem is not that serious, right?” Wrong! Even if your air conditioner is still operational, that does not mean that it is operating properly. In fact, both “serious” and “minor” air conditioning problems can have very similar warning signs—which is why no AC problem is ever “minor” enough to ignore! This is definitely the case with those that suggest a refrigerant leak.

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