Florida’s warm, humid climate creates the perfect environment for mold, bacteria, and allergens to thrive, making indoor air quality a major concern for homeowners. With high humidity levels, frequent storms, and year-round pollen, Florida residents are often exposed to airborne contaminants that can impact health and comfort. The REME Halo UV air purifier is an ideal solution for Florida homes, offering advanced air purification that actively targets and neutralizes pollutants throughout your entire living space. For a limited time, we are offering $375 off the installation of UV air purifiers in Brooksville.
Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Brooksville’
Don’t Delay AC Repairs!
Monday, September 6th, 2021The beginning of fall is starting to creep closer–not that this means much to the climate in Florida. We are still likely to see plenty more warm weather. That said, if something has started to go awry with your cooling system even as “summer” is wrapping up, it is best to take care of the AC repair in Brooksville, FL in a timely fashion.
What might be going wrong with your air conditioning system at this point though? You may be surprised by the fact you need repairs at all since you scheduled maintenance as per usual. But even the most well-maintained systems will encounter trouble. Here are some repair needs that your system may be encountering that this point in the year.
When Re-piping Is Necessary
Monday, March 22nd, 2021Re-piping your whole house can be a difficult task. Apart from that, it costs a considerable sum of money. Therefore, you need to know whether you need a minor repair or the entire piping system in your home must be replaced.
If you detect any of the problems listed below, there’s a strong likelihood that you are due for a re-piping in your home. Our recommendation would be to take help from a professional in such cases.
Cooling Your Home Affordably This Summer
Monday, April 9th, 2018With the level of heat that we experience during the summer season in our geographic region, not running your air conditioner is simply not an option. The hard truth of this matter is that running your air conditioner also costs money. It doesn’t matter how efficient your AC. You will see its use reflected in your energy bills throughout the cooling season. While we cannot tell you how to cool your home for free, we can help you to boost energy efficiency to keep cooling costs manageable.
Don’t worry, we are not going to tell you that you need to upgrade your air conditioner to a high-efficiency system, either. While doing so will obviously help you to scale back cooling costs, this is not an option for every homeowner financially. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways in which you can start cutting down on energy bills—without sacrificing your comfort in the process. Keep these tips in mind, and schedule your AC services in Brooksville, FL with our team.
Why Your Air Conditioner Needs a Fresh Filter
Monday, April 9th, 2018All air conditioners are susceptible to occasional repair needs. While there may not be any way to keep your AC 100% reliable, there are ways that you can help to avoid problems with your air conditioner. One of the most effective is also one of the most simple. Keep a fresh air filter in the system!
Because this is such a simple goal to achieve, some homeowners wonder if it is really that important of one. The answer is yes—we wouldn’t be recommending that you do so if it weren’t. So how is it that keeping a fresh air filter in your AC in Brooksville, FL can benefit you?
Keep These Sump Pump Tips in Mind!
Wednesday, March 14th, 2018While hot weather and intense sunshine are certainly not in short supply around here, Floridians know that the weather is not always agreeable. Our location means that we sometimes have to put up with very serious storms, and in addition to high winds we also often face very heavy rainfall. Preventing that rainfall from flooding your home is a top priority.
What is the best way to do so? Well, tight sealing and good construction are only going to take you so far. If water wants to get into your home, it will do so by any means possible. That is why one of the best pieces of advice that our professional plumbers can give you is to invest in a good sump pump. Leave your sump pump services in Brooksville, FL to our team.
Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Action?
Monday, March 12th, 2018It is still early in March, and the weather during the daytime is far from the hottest that it will be during the peak of the summer season. That doesn’t mean that your air conditioner should not be on your mind, though. It is not going to be too long before you need your air conditioning system to spring into action, and you need to be certain that it is in great working condition to do so. How do you do that?
By scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance with a member of our team, of course. When it comes to getting the very best performance that your air conditioner in Brooksville, FL has to offer, nothing beats annual maintenance. And yes, we mean annual. This is something that must be done every single year—no ifs, ors, or buts about it! The benefits of maintenance are too great to overlook. Read on, and be sure to contact us if you’re ready for an AC tune-up.
When Should I Replace My Air Conditioner?
Monday, February 26th, 2018Investing in a new air conditioning system may not be the most exciting way in which to spend your hard-earned money, but it is definitely one of the most important investments that you’ll make in this part of the country. We have a lot of hot and sunny weather around here, but we also have a lot of weather that is so hot and sunny, not to mention humid, that it is simply uncomfortable.
You absolutely need a great whole-house air conditioning system in Brooksville, FL. Otherwise, you are not going to live in the comfort that you deserve. Now, there are a lot of great air conditioners on the market today, and our technicians will make sure that yours is properly tuned up on an annual basis to ensure that it operates as reliably as possible. At some point, however, even the best and most well-maintained ACs are going to need replacing. Has that time come for you?
Keep Your Garbage Disposal Working Properly
Wednesday, February 14th, 2018A garbage disposal is not the type of appliance that every home absolutely must have. It may not play quite as integral a role in your life as your water heater, for instance, does. That being said, those of us that have experienced the conveniences offered by a garbage disposal are very unlikely to go back to life without one in place. At least, we would not choose to do so intentionally.
Unfortunately, some homeowners wind up missing out on these conveniences because they fail to use their garbage disposals properly. We have a few tips to help you avoid any such problems in today’s post. Keep the following information in mind, and remember that you can always count on the professional plumbers on our team for a job well done.
Does My Heat Pump Have a Refrigerant Leak?
Monday, February 12th, 2018Because our winter weather is mild, to say the least, many homeowners in our area feel that a designated heating system is a bit of overkill. Now, those homeowners also realize that they still need dependable heaters to make it through the occasional cold night comfortably. They just may be hesitant to invest in a system that is solely used for heating their homes. That is why the heat pump is such an incredibly popular type of system in our area.
The heat pump, as you may know, is an HVAC system that allows homeowners to both heat and cool their homes throughout the year. That means that you can use just one system in order to keep comfortable all year long. We’ll get further into the specifics of how this works in the post below. Here’s a sneak preview, though—it’s all thanks to the refrigerant cycle. That is why a refrigerant leak in your heat pump in Brooksville, FL is such a problem.