Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

What a Refrigerant Leak Means for Your AC

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-with-fanAny problems with your air conditioning system are of major concern when you live in as hot of a climate as we do. Florida is just not the type of place where “good enough” is ever truly good enough when it comes to your air conditioning system! That is why you need to contact a member of our team the moment that you think you need AC repair in Orlando, FL. Problems truly cannot wait.

Now, we know what some of you are bound to be thinking. “Well, my air conditioner is up and running, so at least the problem is not that serious, right?” Wrong! Even if your air conditioner is still operational, that does not mean that it is operating properly. In fact, both “serious” and “minor” air conditioning problems can have very similar warning signs—which is why no AC problem is ever “minor” enough to ignore! This is definitely the case with those that suggest a refrigerant leak.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Monday, May 21st, 2018

AC-technicianIf you know anything about the way that a refrigerant-based air conditioning system operates, then you know your system uses the evaporation of refrigerant in order to remove heat from the air in your home. That refrigerant is condensed outdoors, releasing its heat, before repeating the cycle until desired temperatures are met. At no point in the process does water come into play. So what the heck is going on when your air conditioner starts to leak water?

Well, it’s not really a water leak in the way that a water heater may spring one. No, that does not mean that the water surrounding the unit is a figment of your imagination. It just means that the source of that water is not a ruptured pipe, as is so often the case with plumbing leaks. So read on, learn what could be behind this mysterious phenomenon, and whether it means that you need air conditioning repair in Tampa, FL or not.

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Why Is My Home Cooling Down Unevenly?

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018

service-timeWhen you’re talking about cooling your home in as hot a climate as ours, the fact of the matter is that “good enough” is never good enough! Sure, your air conditioner may be starting up when you need it to. But is it providing you with the level of cooling quality that you deserve? If your AC is failing to cool your home evenly and effectively, then the answer is a resounding “no!”.

That is where the AC technicians on our team come in. Whatever the problem is that is leading to your uneven cooling conundrum, we’re here to help. Should the fix require AC repair in New Port Richey, then ours are the technicians that you want on the job. From the diagnosing of the problem to its complete resolution, we’ll do it right every step of the way.

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Cool Your Home Affordably This Summer

Monday, May 7th, 2018

red-thermometerIf there is one thing that you can count on doing this summer, it is running your air conditioning system with great regularity. Of course, here in Florida, our definition of “summer” is a bit looser than the calendar’s. In truth, we run our air conditioners pretty much nonstop for a good chunk of the year. And you know what? The cost of doing so can really start to add up! Don’t worry, this is not going to be a long advertisement for expensive, high-efficiency air conditioning equipment.

If you do have the money to invest in such equipment, then we of course recommend that you consider doing so. High-efficiency equipment is an investment that will save you money over time. We also realize that this is not an option for every homeowner at any given time. So, today, we are going to give you some tips to help you enjoy more affordable air conditioning in Orlando, FL, without needing to upgrade your entire home cooling system.

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