Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Beware These Most Common AC Repairs!

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

man-with-fanHere’s the thing: your air conditioner, no matter how great it is, is going to require repairs at some point. Of course, when it happens, it isn’t always convenient, but hey, at least there are plenty of great contractors out there (like us) willing to lend a helping hand!

There are a number of common AC repairs that we think you should be aware of, so below, we have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! (And of course, remember to schedule your AC repair in Orlando, FL with our team!)

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My AC Isn’t Working—Help!

Monday, August 26th, 2019

angry-manAlright, it’s the middle of summer and you suspect something is wrong with your AC. Surely, you know that the best thing you can do for a faulty air conditioner is schedule your repairs at the first sign of an issue, but still, how can you be sure that there is really something wrong? You don’t want to just go around making phone calls willy nilly, right?

Okay, freeze right there! You should never hesitate to contact a professional… even if you aren’t sure if there is a problem! But, in case you are wondering, there are a number of signs that should automatically warrant a phone call, and below, we’ve listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more.

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Here’s What Might Be Wrong with Your Heat Pump

Monday, July 15th, 2019

man-with-fanIt’s the middle of summer here in Florida, which means that the last thing you need on your hands is a broken heat pump. Obviously, you can deal with things like alligators, tropical storms, and sunburns, but how the heck are you supposed to go on living with a faulty heat pump system?

Well, the good news is that there are a number of reasons why your heat pump might not be working as it should, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! (And remember, if you find yourself dealing with a fussy heat pump, do not hesitate to contact your Orlando AC repair experts!) 

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Beware These Unique Ductless Repairs!

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Owning a ductless system definitely comes with many benefits—they’re efficient, effective, and can provide comfort year-round with just the flip of a switch! In fact, we can’t think of many reasons why homeowners wouldn’t want to make the switch to a ductless system!

Unfortunately though, like all HVAC systems, ductless systems come with their own set of repair needs, and for this reason, we felt compelled to make you aware of some of the unique repairs that your ductless system might need. So, if you own one of these awesome systems, keep reading below! And remember, if you experience any of the following, be sure to contact a professional for AC repair in Pasco County, FL right away!

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All The Reasons To Go Ductless This Summer!

Monday, May 20th, 2019

Okay, it’s likely that you aren’t as excited about ductless systems as we are—but, you should be!

Ductless systems are perfect for homeowners whose homes lack the space for ductwork or for those who wish to cut down on monthly spending costs!

And if neither of those are reason enough, we can dig even deeper. In fact, we are willing to bet that we can find some reason or other for you to consider going ductless by the end of this blog post.

All you have to do is keep reading to find out more about the benefits of a ductless system. So, what are you waiting for?

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Name That Sound!

Monday, May 6th, 2019

Welcome to Name That Sound, the air conditioning game show where players to guess what could be making the strange sounds coming from their air conditioner! Surely, strange air conditioner noises can be quite alarming, especially since your air conditioner shouldn’t be making any strange sounds at all!

There are a number of culprits that could be causing some strange AC noises, and below, it’s your job to guess! And if your AC is making any of the noises below, we highly recommend you schedule your air conditioning repair in Brandon, FL ASAP.

Ready to play? Keep reading!

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Be On the Lookout for These Summertime Repairs

Monday, March 25th, 2019

ac-techAlright sure, here in Florida, the majority of us have been using our air conditioners throughout the majority of the year. However, rising temperatures mark the beginning of the summer season, and for most of us, that is quite exciting! Of course, there are many things that need to be done to prepare for the season ahead, like digging out your favorite bathing suit, stocking up on sunscreen, and ensuring that your AC is in mint condition.

You likely use your air conditioner a lot, which means that over time, it is going to require some repairs. When you need Tampa AC repair service, be sure to hire a professional right away. Hiring a professional HVAC technician at the first sign of a problem is the best way to ensure that your issues don’t become worse. Below, we have outlined some of the most common summertime AC repair needs. Keep reading to learn more. 

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Your Air Conditioner May Be in Trouble If…

Monday, September 24th, 2018

AC-outdoor-unitThere are areas in the country where heating systems are already being fired up and are running quite regularly. Here in Florida, this obviously is not the case. Our air conditioning systems are still the stars of the show, as they are throughout most of the year. That is why, even this late in the calendar year, you really need to be tuned into your air conditioning system and the way in which it is operating.

Those “minor” issues that you’re noticing are almost certainly more serious than you realize. And, when you live in as hot a climate as we do, any air conditioning issues are cause for serious concern! We don’t care what the date on the calendar may be—AC problems always demand prompt AC repair in Tampa, FL. We are using today’s post to fill you in on some of the common warning signs that your air conditioning system may be in trouble.

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Why Schedule Professional AC Repairs?

Monday, August 27th, 2018

bayonet-truckIf you live in Florida and need someone to tell you that central air conditioning is a necessity, you may want to double check your address to make sure that you do actually live in Florida! The heat and humidity around here is the stuff of legend, and even those of us that truly love hot summer days—and summers that seem to go on and on—will admit that a comfortable home to retire to whenever you want is a must.

That is precisely why we want to talk to you about AC repair in New Port Richey, FL today. Or, rather, why we want to help you better understand why prompt air conditioning repairs are always in your best interest. Considering just how much we depend upon our air conditioning systems, we really don’t think that any problem with those systems can truly be called “minor.” So read on, and keep our number handy when—not “if”—you require repairs for your AC system.

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Why Does My AC Turn Off So Quickly?

Monday, July 30th, 2018

angry-manThe central air conditioner is a major upgrade from the noisy, ineffective, and inefficient air conditioning systems that so many of us have used in the past—provided that it is working properly. Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners seem to think that, just because their air conditioners are functioning, they are functioning properly. This is not necessarily the case, and that type of thinking can land you in some hot water.

Now, you’ll obviously realize that something is wrong with your air conditioner if it is not pumping out cool air in your home at all. However,  you should also pay attention to the way in which the system is running when it is cooling your home. Does it seem to be starting up, running only for a brief period, and then cycling right back down? If so, then it is short cycling. That is a deceptively serious problem for your air conditioning in Tampa, FL.

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