Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance in Florida?

Monday, August 21st, 2023

As a homeowner, you may have heard that air conditioner maintenance should be performed before the cooling season begins. But when you need AC maintenance in Tampa, FL, you might be wondering exactly what that means. After all, our cooling season is quite lengthy!

Ideally, AC maintenance should happen before you switch to using your AC. But to answer the question, Is it too late for AC maintenance in Florida, the answer is definitely not. In fact, we’d argue that AC tune-ups are more vital here than in any other part of the US. Let’s explain.

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Why AC Maintenance Is Essential in Florida

Monday, March 20th, 2023

When was the last time you had your car’s oil changed? We’d bet that as soon as you hit the mileage on the sticker on your dashboard you took it right in for service. That’s because you know that getting the oil changed regularly is an investment not only in how your car runs in the short-term, but how long it’ll last in the long run. 

So, when was the last time you had AC maintenance? If you can’t remember, then it’s time to rectify that. Just like a car, your air conditioner needs routine maintenance to run at peak performance. Luckily for you, we have a plan for AC maintenance in Palm Harbor, FL that’ll keep your AC running at peak performance.

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If You Haven’t Gotten an AC Tune-Up, You Can Today!

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Other regions of the country have already started to turn their focus to their heaters, but here in Florida we are still giving our air conditioners plenty of use. After all, we know that if colder weather does arrive, it still won’t be doing so for a while.

With how much use these systems get in our area, we want to make sure that they receive the care they need. That’s why it is vital for you to know that you can still get AC maintenance in Orlando, FL if you haven’t done so yet this year.

But is it worth it? And isn’t it a little late for a tune-up? We’ll answer these questions and more below.

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Don’t Delay Your AC Tune-Up

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

The scorching heat and the humid weather have us all turning our cooling systems on. Of course, this means some people are discovering that their AC units aren’t quite up to par after being dormant all winter.

Before your air conditioning unit gets to the point where it needs repairs and replacements, we suggest you call a technician for its yearly tune-up.

In addition to saving you time and money, it will keep you stress-free for the summer season. Don’t trust us? Let us explain more about why you shouldn’t forget about your AC tune-up:

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5 Benefits of Early AC Maintenance

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

service-timeKeeping your air conditioning system in good condition is important especially when you live around here. Temperatures and humidity can join forces to make conditions unbearable for days or even weeks at a time during the height of summer. It is in your best interest to do anything possible to help your AC do its job effectively and efficiently. One of the best ways to help your system is to schedule HVAC maintenance in Clearwater, FL.

Think it is too early to get your maintenance taken care of? This couldn’t be further from the truth. Early maintenance is a great way to invest in your comfort and your peace of mind. Let us tell you a bit about why you should consider knocking out AC maintenance sooner than later.

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Late AC Maintenance is Still A Good Idea

Monday, June 15th, 2020

No one enjoys being late to anything: the game, work, school, etc. So when you find out that the ideal time for something has passed, many people may be tempted to forget it altogether. Air conditioning maintenance is one of those things that is oft-forgotten and then sadly skipped.

We are happy to tell you that, if you missed your usual maintenance appointment for your air conditioner this spring, all is not lost! Late maintenance is better than no maintenance at all so if you still need your yearly AC tune-up in Riverview, you can reach out to us whenever you are able to.

Not sure if maintenance is worth your while? Let’s explore how this annual service benefits your comfort and your bills.

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Give Your AC a Boost With These Cool Tricks!

Monday, July 1st, 2019

SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE—this means ice cream galore, regular trips to the beach, and of course, using your air conditioner at full blast! Here in Florida, we use our air conditioners a whole bunch, especially during the summer. And yes, while this may keep your home nice and comfortable, it can certainly make those energy bills rise.. and rise.. and rise.

Surely you’ve got plenty of other things to worry about during the summer besides high cooling costs… like perfecting your tan. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of things that you can do to boost your air conditioning efficiency, and below, we have listed quite a few of them. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! So, what are you waiting for?

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Cooling Your Home Affordably This Summer

Monday, April 9th, 2018

comfortable-womanWith the level of heat that we experience during the summer season in our geographic region, not running your air conditioner is simply not an option. The hard truth of this matter is that running your air conditioner also costs money. It doesn’t matter how efficient your AC. You will see its use reflected in your energy bills throughout the cooling season. While we cannot tell you how to cool your home for free, we can help you to boost energy efficiency to keep cooling costs manageable.

Don’t worry, we are not going to tell you that you need to upgrade your air conditioner to a high-efficiency system, either. While doing so will obviously help you to scale back cooling costs, this is not an option for every homeowner financially. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways in which you can start cutting down on energy bills—without sacrificing your comfort in the process. Keep these tips in mind, and schedule your AC services in Brooksville, FL with our team.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Action?

Monday, March 12th, 2018

AC-technician-workingIt is still early in March, and the weather during the daytime is far from the hottest that it will be during the peak of the summer season. That doesn’t mean that your air conditioner should not be on your mind, though. It is not going to be too long before you need your air conditioning system to spring into action, and you need to be certain that it is in great working condition to do so. How do you do that?

By scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance with a member of our team, of course. When it comes to getting the very best performance that your air conditioner in Brooksville, FL has to offer, nothing beats annual maintenance. And yes, we mean annual. This is something that must be done every single year—no ifs,  ors, or buts about it! The benefits of maintenance are too great to overlook. Read on, and be sure to contact us if you’re ready for an AC tune-up.

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The End is Near: When to Replace Your Heating/AC Unit

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Buying a new AC may not be at the top of your list of what you want to spend your hard-earned money on, but not replacing it when it’s time will often cost you more in the long run. It comes down to efficiency. Some of the signs to look out for are easy to see, such as:

  1. Is the unit over 10 years old?
  2. Does your home feel humid even when the unit is running?
  3. Is it unnecessarily noisy?
  4. Has your monthly bill increased?
  5. Is the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) number on your current unit 10 or under?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, you are probably at a point where maintenance is required or, more likely, a new, more efficient unit should be considered.

Like anything mechanical, energy efficient and appropriately sized units are the key to optimum operating costs and peak functionality. Today’s air conditioners must have a minimum SEER rating of 13, and must use the more environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant. The most efficient models have SEER ratings up to 26. Still, even the most effective units work best when they operate in the ideal environment. Some questions to ask are:

Is your home well insulated to protect its interior from drafts/warm air?

  • Is the duct system that distributes the cool air properly sealed?
  • Do you have more than one return in your home?

If you suspect any issues exist, be sure to correct those before installing new units.

So if you believe it’s time to replace your AC unit, a tremendous selection is available at a wide range of price points. The right one, installed with an upgrade like a programmable thermostat, will provide an excellent return on your investment.

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