What Groundhog Day Can Tell Us About Furnace Repair

February 6th, 2023

On Groundhog Day this year, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, much to the chagrin of people everywhere. That means we’re supposed to get 6 more weeks of winter. But is there any merit to Phil’s “prognostications?” Can a groundhog in Pennsylvania really have an effect on how long you’ll need to use your furnace this winter?

Let’s determine just how accurate Phil’s ability to predict the weather is. Since you shouldn’t decide on whether or not to call for furnace repair in Clearwater, FL based on whether a groundhog sees his shadow, we’ll also discuss the signs that you should do so. 

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Why It’s Time to Go With a Tankless Water Heater

January 23rd, 2023

Your water heater is the workhorse of your home. Although here in Florida you rely on your air conditioner heavily in the summer, you need hot water on a daily basis, 365 days a year. 

If you’ve been thinking about getting a new water heater in Brandon, FL, perhaps you’ve wondered if your home would benefit from a tankless water heater. Although there are decidedly more pros than cons, let’s review them both. That way, you can decide if a tankless water heater is right for your home when it’s time for a new system.

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Don’t Ignore These Strange Heater Noises

January 9th, 2023

It’s officially “sweater weather” season here in Florida. The unusually cool weather means you’ve probably been using your heater more than you usually would. In an ideal world, the transition from cooling to heating is an easy one. But when you use your heater much less frequently than your air conditioner, sometimes the transition has some hiccups. 

Luckily, there’s an easy way to know when you need heater repair in Orlando, FL. Your heater will tell you! There are noises your heater will make when it’s struggling to do its job. From banging to booming, and screeching to squealing, learn the sounds of a heater in distress. Your heater is making a genuine plea for help. Don’t ignore them. 

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Start the Next Year Right With an Efficient Heater

December 26th, 2022

The new year is just around the corner. With it comes the opportunity for changes and improvements. While a lot of people focus on personal self-improvement goals, why not add a home improvement to that list?

Although our heating season is short here in Florida, you want the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can count on your heater when you need it. Perhaps the key to depending on your heater is as simple as calling us to schedule heater maintenance in Wesley Chapel, FL. After all, routine maintenance is key to delaying heater replacement. 

We all tell ourselves we’ll get around to scheduling maintenance but time seems to work against us. If you’ve noticed any of these signs of heater issues, you’ll definitely want to bump it up on your list of resolutions. 

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How To Improve Low Water Pressure in Your Plumbing

December 12th, 2022

Low water pressure is one of those things that homeowners tend to ignore despite how annoying it can be. When you take a shower and the water flow is merely adequate, or when you’re trying to scrub some dirty dishes with a weak water flow from the kitchen faucet, it’s a hassle but the assumption is that it’s not enough to warrant a service call. 

We understand that you’ve got many other priorities as a homeowner, especially this time of year. But we want to give you the little nudge you need to schedule an appointment with one of our plumbers in Tampa, FL. We’ll pinpoint the cause of your low water pressure and get it taken care of. Let’s go over some common causes of low water pressure that are affecting multiple fixtures in your home. 

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The Importance of Fixing a Heat Pump Refrigerant Leak

November 28th, 2022

With our mild winter weather, some Florida homeowners think that a designated heating system isn’t necessary. Many are hesitant to invest in a system that is used only for heating which is why a heat pump is a popular option.

The heat pump is an HVAC system that both heats and cools the homes. A heat pump is dependent on the refrigerant cycle to function properly and efficiently. That’s why a refrigerant leak in your HVAC in Orlando, FL is such a cause for concern.

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Make Sure Your Drains Are Ready For the Holidays

November 14th, 2022

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means you’ll need to depend on your drains more than any other time of year. Why is that, you might say? Well, one of the busiest days of the year for plumbers is often the day after Thanksgiving. Drains that haven’t been well maintained can become overwhelmed by the demands of Thanksgiving feasts and extra guests in the home. 

You don’t want your Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family to be ruined by a flooded kitchen sink or stinky, partially clogged drains. When you have our expert plumbers in for drain cleaning, it’s one less thing to worry about and you can rest assured that your plumbing won’t give you any issues. We’ll leave the cooking and entertaining to you–you can leave the drain maintenance to us.

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These Spooky Sounds Mean Your AC Is In Trouble

October 17th, 2022

AC-outdoor-unitIs your AC system making scary noises, just in time for Halloween? Systems that have been stressed by heavy summer usage may start to emit moans and groans when the fall weather arrives.

If your AC unit sounds like it is possessed, now is the perfect time to schedule expert service to address the problem. Here are 5 scary sounds that indicate your air conditioner needs to be checked out. 

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5 Ways To Improve AC Effectiveness and Efficiency

October 3rd, 2022

Living in Florida means that having a good AC system in your home is highly important. It also means that you need your system to work optimally on even the hottest of days—and in our area, that means that your AC has a big task to accomplish.

If you’re looking for air conditioning in Palm Harbor, FL that works effectively and efficiently, you can put some of the following best practices into place. Using these tips can help you reduce your energy use without undermining your system’s performance.

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If You Haven’t Gotten an AC Tune-Up, You Can Today!

September 19th, 2022

Other regions of the country have already started to turn their focus to their heaters, but here in Florida we are still giving our air conditioners plenty of use. After all, we know that if colder weather does arrive, it still won’t be doing so for a while.

With how much use these systems get in our area, we want to make sure that they receive the care they need. That’s why it is vital for you to know that you can still get AC maintenance in Orlando, FL if you haven’t done so yet this year.

But is it worth it? And isn’t it a little late for a tune-up? We’ll answer these questions and more below.

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