Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

The 3 Most Common Causes of Plumbing Issues in Florida

Monday, September 4th, 2023

According to the US Census Bureau, Florida experienced its biggest increase in population in 2022. Approximately 300,000 people moved to the state, an overall population boost of almost 2%! Florida’s warm weather, sunshine, and its many lakes and sandy beaches are often cited as reasons why people move to Florida. 

However, Florida’s climate and geography can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing system. From hard water to pests, let’s go over 3 of the most common plumbing problems that Florida homeowners will face. Be sure to call us for plumbing service in Spring Hill, FL if you experience any of these issues.

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Torrential Florida Rain & Plumbing Problems

Monday, August 7th, 2023
Heavy rain causing flooding and deep puddles

As a Florida homeowner, have you experienced issues with your plumbing after torrential rain and heavy storms? You’re not alone. Plumbing problems are fairly common when our area is inundated with heavy rain. 

When the rain pours down in Tampa, FL, your plumbing system is probably the farthest thing from your mind. But heavy rain can affect your plumbing if you’re not prepared, and don’t know what could go wrong. Let’s go over potential issues to be aware of and signs that heavy rains have warranted the need for plumbing repair.

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4 Summer Plumbing Problems for Florida Homeowners

Monday, July 24th, 2023

Unlike other parts of the country, summer in Florida can be a time of year when you tend to stay inside more. However, this doesn’t mean that summer doesn’t create its own issues for your Florida home’s plumbing system. 

Summer activities such as having the kids home from school, an increase in extended visits from family members, and hosting a barbecue or party can all cause added strain on your plumbing system. Let’s go over 5 common plumbing issues we tend to see this time of year that warrant a call for plumbing service in Orlando, FL.

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You Need Emergency Plumbing Repair For These 5 Issues

Monday, June 26th, 2023

When your home’s plumbing systems aren’t working properly, you’ll know it immediately. There’s nothing that’ll disrupt your day like an overflowing toilet or a lukewarm shower. 

Although it can be hard to know what constitutes an urgent need for plumbing assistance, there are some situations that warrant a call to an emergency plumber in Tampa, FL. Let’s go over 5 issues that you shouldn’t try to DIY fix and that need to be addressed ASAP.

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How To Prevent Plumbing Problems In A Vacation Rental

Monday, March 6th, 2023

Plumbing is one of those things that must work perfectly in a vacation rental. When it doesn’t, you’ll be certain to hear about it, either from the renter directly or in the form of a bad review. Low water pressure and a slow drain in the shower won’t ruin someone’s vacation, but negative reviews can hurt your ability to rent your vacation rental property.

You also don’t want vacationers trying to take plumbing problems into their own hands. To protect your property and keep your guests satisfied, you need to prioritize plumbing maintenance. By taking preventative measures, you can avoid potential plumbing disasters. Here are some tips for vacation rental owners to help prevent plumbing problems and keep your guests happy.

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How To Improve Low Water Pressure in Your Plumbing

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Low water pressure is one of those things that homeowners tend to ignore despite how annoying it can be. When you take a shower and the water flow is merely adequate, or when you’re trying to scrub some dirty dishes with a weak water flow from the kitchen faucet, it’s a hassle but the assumption is that it’s not enough to warrant a service call. 

We understand that you’ve got many other priorities as a homeowner, especially this time of year. But we want to give you the little nudge you need to schedule an appointment with one of our plumbers in Tampa, FL. We’ll pinpoint the cause of your low water pressure and get it taken care of. Let’s go over some common causes of low water pressure that are affecting multiple fixtures in your home. 

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Make Sure Your Drains Are Ready For the Holidays

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means you’ll need to depend on your drains more than any other time of year. Why is that, you might say? Well, one of the busiest days of the year for plumbers is often the day after Thanksgiving. Drains that haven’t been well maintained can become overwhelmed by the demands of Thanksgiving feasts and extra guests in the home. 

You don’t want your Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family to be ruined by a flooded kitchen sink or stinky, partially clogged drains. When you have our expert plumbers in for drain cleaning, it’s one less thing to worry about and you can rest assured that your plumbing won’t give you any issues. We’ll leave the cooking and entertaining to you–you can leave the drain maintenance to us.

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Avoid Putting These Things Down Your Drain

Monday, September 5th, 2022

We get it. There are plenty of things that we feel comfortable with the idea of just washing down the drain. And, to be fair, there is plenty of debris that can be washed down the drain without problem. But that doesn’t mean that everything should go down the drain.

You may be surprised just how many issues you can prevent by just not putting the wrong things down the drain.

Our team wants to help you out here. Let’s discuss what you should keep out of your drains in order to keep the need for a plumbing repair in Orlando, FL to a minimum.

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5 Signs That You Need Help With a Leaking Pipe

Monday, August 8th, 2022

No one should ever discover a leaking pipe and just shrug it off. This is a major problem that requires a patch, quickly!

With that said, however, you won’t always be able to see that you have a pipe in your home that is leaking. That’s why so many people fall prey to water damage and other problems created by unaddressed leaks.

How can you protect yourself from the problems created by a leak? The first step is to learn more about the warning signs of a leak so you can try to have it fixed as quickly as possible. Then you can get one of our plumbers out to your home to find and seal that leak.

Read on to learn more.

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Answering Your Sump Pump FAQs

Monday, July 25th, 2022

sump-pumpIs your home protected if there is a problem with floodwaters in the area? Whether it is due to a rainstorm oversaturating the ground or a busted pipe letting water leak into your home, you want to avoid the problems that can result from that excess water flooding your home.

Thankfully, there is a system that can help to protect your house. You have the option to add a sump pump to your home to help protect your property from the adverse effects of leaks and other flooding problems. Our team is here to help with your sump pump installation and any other system services you may need.

For starters, we’ll give you all the information you need to know about a sump pump.

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