Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Here in Tampa, FL, where you rely on your AC system more than your furnace, you might be tempted to overlook a furnace that’s no longer keeping your home adequately comfortable in the winter. Perhaps you suspect it’s due for replacement or you have a repair estimate and you’re not sure it’s worth it.

How exactly do you know when you should invest in furnace repair vs a furnace replacement? Let’s go over 4 considerations to reflect on as you decide if you’ve put up with poor home comfort during the winter long enough. You may even decide to use this as a great opportunity to replace your outdated furnace with a heat pump.

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What Groundhog Day Can Tell Us About Furnace Repair

Monday, February 6th, 2023

On Groundhog Day this year, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, much to the chagrin of people everywhere. That means we’re supposed to get 6 more weeks of winter. But is there any merit to Phil’s “prognostications?” Can a groundhog in Pennsylvania really have an effect on how long you’ll need to use your furnace this winter?

Let’s determine just how accurate Phil’s ability to predict the weather is. Since you shouldn’t decide on whether or not to call for furnace repair in Clearwater, FL based on whether a groundhog sees his shadow, we’ll also discuss the signs that you should do so. 

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Don’t Ignore These Strange Heater Noises

Monday, January 9th, 2023

It’s officially “sweater weather” season here in Florida. The unusually cool weather means you’ve probably been using your heater more than you usually would. In an ideal world, the transition from cooling to heating is an easy one. But when you use your heater much less frequently than your air conditioner, sometimes the transition has some hiccups. 

Luckily, there’s an easy way to know when you need heater repair in Orlando, FL. Your heater will tell you! There are noises your heater will make when it’s struggling to do its job. From banging to booming, and screeching to squealing, learn the sounds of a heater in distress. Your heater is making a genuine plea for help. Don’t ignore them. 

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Start the Next Year Right With an Efficient Heater

Monday, December 26th, 2022

The new year is just around the corner. With it comes the opportunity for changes and improvements. While a lot of people focus on personal self-improvement goals, why not add a home improvement to that list?

Although our heating season is short here in Florida, you want the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can count on your heater when you need it. Perhaps the key to depending on your heater is as simple as calling us to schedule heater maintenance in Wesley Chapel, FL. After all, routine maintenance is key to delaying heater replacement. 

We all tell ourselves we’ll get around to scheduling maintenance but time seems to work against us. If you’ve noticed any of these signs of heater issues, you’ll definitely want to bump it up on your list of resolutions. 

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The Perks That Come With Different Heaters

Monday, February 21st, 2022

While we may not have to dig our way through a snow pile to get to our cars, we still see some cold weather around here. When the nights, and some days, get chilly, you deserve to be able to stay comfortable. Maybe you’ve been working with a portable heater up until now and you are finally ready to upgrade to a whole-house system for your heating in Orlando, FL. If that is the case, then we would love to give you some information on the different systems to choose from.

You want a good heater in your house but you shouldn’t stop there. Read on to discover what perks each type of heater offers so you know which option is the best to meet your needs.

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 Does Your Heater Need Repairs or an Upgrade?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

cold-manHow upset would you be if you sold a car you thought was totaled, only to discover that you actually could have repaired it for a decent price? You’d have every right to be mad! The same concept applies to replacing a heater that could actually survive a while longer with a repair.

Replacements aren’t a small investment. Getting a replacement done early can be good (especially if you are avoiding a full breakdown) but they shouldn’t be done years in advance! Let’s talk about how to figure out whether your system needs an upgrade or if it can get by with a heater repair in Clearwater FL.

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Efficiency Tips For Wintertime

Monday, January 24th, 2022

It may not always seem like Florida gets a winter season but it does. And on the days when the temperatures get especially chilly, we need to be able to keep comfortably warm. That is why homes around here are outfitted with effective systems for heating in Brandon, FL.

Even if you only run your heater for a brief period each year, you want it to be efficient as well as effective. High energy bills would make anyone question the benefit of running their heater. That is why we want to help you achieve the best level of efficiency possible in your home this season.

Read on to discover some helpful tips for efficient home comfort this season.

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Your “Cold Weather” Comfort Checklist

Monday, December 27th, 2021

It won’t be snowing in Orlando anytime soon but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to enjoy some coziness at home when things get a little chilly. When the weather gets colder, we can always turn to our home comfort systems to keep things, well, comfortable. However, there are some extra ways that you can take your comfort into your own hands and make the most of it.

Your heater has some work to do over the next couple of months and we are here to help. Here are some ways that you can help your system do its job and reduce your demand on it too without feeling uncomfortable.

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Maintenance Is a Great Thank You To Your Heater!

Monday, November 15th, 2021

service-timeTemperatures have been getting chilly at night which means it is important that your heater is in peak condition. After all, while it may be warm enough for shorts during the day, we are bundling up after the sun starts to set. How can you make sure that your heater is ready to keep your home warm when it is needed? By scheduling heater maintenance in Orlando, FL with a professional team like ours.

Maintenance is one of those services that not only help your system but also ensures you get the best comfort possible on even the coldest of evenings. Let’s dive into the reasons why you should add maintenance onto your To-Do list this season.

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Warning Signs Your Boiler Needs Help

Monday, January 25th, 2021

service-timeThe issue may go unnoticed for a little while because you don’t need to use your boiler too often around here. However, eventually, you pick up on the fact that something is wrong with the operation of your boiler heater.

There is more than one way to react to this revelation. One option is to try to press on and ignore the issue as long as the system doesn’t fully breakdown. Another option is to try to identify and fix the problem yourself. And, last but certainly not least, you can reach out for professional boiler repair in Tampa, FL.

We would strongly suggest going with the third option for the sake of your safety and comfort. Boiler repairs should always be left in the hands of trained professionals. Here are some signs that it is time to reach out for this vital service.

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