Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Action?

Monday, March 12th, 2018

AC-technician-workingIt is still early in March, and the weather during the daytime is far from the hottest that it will be during the peak of the summer season. That doesn’t mean that your air conditioner should not be on your mind, though. It is not going to be too long before you need your air conditioning system to spring into action, and you need to be certain that it is in great working condition to do so. How do you do that?

By scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance with a member of our team, of course. When it comes to getting the very best performance that your air conditioner in Brooksville, FL has to offer, nothing beats annual maintenance. And yes, we mean annual. This is something that must be done every single year—no ifs,  ors, or buts about it! The benefits of maintenance are too great to overlook. Read on, and be sure to contact us if you’re ready for an AC tune-up.

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When Should I Replace My Air Conditioner?

Monday, February 26th, 2018

ac-with-moneyInvesting in a new air conditioning system may not be the most exciting way in which to spend your hard-earned money, but it is definitely one of the most important investments that you’ll make in this part of the country. We have a lot of hot and sunny weather around here, but we also have a lot of weather that is so hot and sunny, not to mention humid, that it is simply uncomfortable.

You absolutely need a great whole-house air conditioning system in Brooksville, FL. Otherwise, you are not going to live in the comfort that you deserve. Now, there are a lot of great air conditioners on the market today, and our technicians will make sure that yours is properly tuned up on an annual basis to ensure that it operates as reliably as possible. At some point, however, even the best and most well-maintained ACs are going to need replacing. Has that time come for you?

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Don’t Get Caught in the Dark: What to Do in an Electrical Emergency

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Power outages are a fact of life, especially in Florida with the ever-present threat of tropical storms and hurricanes. So when your power does inevitably go out, make sure you’ve taking the proper precautions and made preparations to make it as small an inconvenience as possible.

Keep a supply of candles, matches, and a couple flashlights with fresh batteries on hand and in a place easily accessible to everyone in the household. When the lights go out, the last thing you want is to be rummaging around in the dark looking for these things.

Be aware of food safety issues. If the power outage is less than four hours, your food should be safe to eat. For outages that last longer than four hours, follow these guidelines for safety: a half-filled freezer will typically keep food safe for up to 24 hours and a tightly packed freezer up to 48 hours. If possible, pack refrigerated items that could spoil, like milk and eggs, in a cooler packed with ice. Also, try to minimize opening the refrigerator and freezer as much as possible to keep food cooler longer.

Water purification systems may not function properly during a power outage, so make sure to keep a supply of bottled water on hand for drinking, cooking, and/or personal hygiene. If you are caught in a power outage without access to bottled water, bringing water to a rolling boil for at least one minute will kill most organisms.

Consider purchasing an emergency generator. When you have an extended power outage, an emergency generator can be your best friend. You can typically purchase a basic generator that will power lights and appliances for less than $700. This article from is a great resource for choosing the right emergency generator for you.

If you want to alleviate the power outage risk entirely, Bayonet can install a standby generator! With natural gas or LP tank access, the stand-by generator system can power essential electricity to your home for weeks at a time, provided fuel is accessible. Generators are available in multiple sizes to suit your needs. Then, your lights, water, and refrigerator will always stay on! For more, see our upcoming blogs or contact a representative today.

Power outages are certainly a nuisance, but if you plan ahead with these relatively simple preparations you can weather the storm without too much of a headache.

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What is a Mini-Split Air Conditioning Unit?

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

You may have heard the term “mini-split” in reference to AC systems, but what exactly are they? Simply put, mini-split AC units are ductless systems comprised of an indoor air-handling unit (or units) and an outdoor condenser. Mini splits work by pumping refrigerant from the outdoor condenser through copper tubing into the indoor units, where a fan then distributes cool air across an evaporator coil and into the space.

One outdoor condenser has the ability to operate as many as four indoor air-handling units, allowing for four separate zones that can be heated or cooled. Each of these indoor units is controlled by their own thermostats, which allows heating and cooling of only the areas you need at any particular time, both convenient and cost-effective.

Mini splits have convenient and money-saving applications for several situations:

For homes with no existing ductwork, mini splits are a great money-saving alternative to installing a central air system. Installation of a mini-split system is significantly easier and less expensive than a traditional ductwork system. Add in the cost savings associated with having great control over heating or cooling only certain zones in your home and mini-splits become an even more attractive alternative.

Mini-split systems are also ideal for additions or smaller separate outbuildings where extending ductwork or installing a separate central system is not a reasonable option. Garages turned man-caves and guest house additions are two examples of spaces where mini splits are a great cooling option.

Contact Bayonet today to find out if a mini-split system is the right fit for you.

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The End is Near: When to Replace Your Heating/AC Unit

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Buying a new AC may not be at the top of your list of what you want to spend your hard-earned money on, but not replacing it when it’s time will often cost you more in the long run. It comes down to efficiency. Some of the signs to look out for are easy to see, such as:

  1. Is the unit over 10 years old?
  2. Does your home feel humid even when the unit is running?
  3. Is it unnecessarily noisy?
  4. Has your monthly bill increased?
  5. Is the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) number on your current unit 10 or under?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, you are probably at a point where maintenance is required or, more likely, a new, more efficient unit should be considered.

Like anything mechanical, energy efficient and appropriately sized units are the key to optimum operating costs and peak functionality. Today’s air conditioners must have a minimum SEER rating of 13, and must use the more environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant. The most efficient models have SEER ratings up to 26. Still, even the most effective units work best when they operate in the ideal environment. Some questions to ask are:

Is your home well insulated to protect its interior from drafts/warm air?

  • Is the duct system that distributes the cool air properly sealed?
  • Do you have more than one return in your home?

If you suspect any issues exist, be sure to correct those before installing new units.

So if you believe it’s time to replace your AC unit, a tremendous selection is available at a wide range of price points. The right one, installed with an upgrade like a programmable thermostat, will provide an excellent return on your investment.

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3 Ways to Improve the Indoor Air Quality in Your Home

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

The air quality in your home is put to the test against environmental impurities every day. Like it or not, pollutants such as dust, mold, cigarette smoke, radon, and – especially in Tampa – pollen are going to make their way into your home in a variety of ways. Visitors, pets, or even a new mattress can track them in, or your outside unit can unintentionally draw them in.

Children, the elderly, and asthma sufferers may be more sensitive to poor air quality; however, breathing impure air is dangerous for anyone who is continuously exposed. The good news is you can help minimize the risk of serious health problems by being mindful of these steps to keep your home free of pollutants and toxins:

  1. Keep your floors free of dirt and dust. Regularly vacuuming or mopping your floors will reduce the risk of chemicals and allergens taking up permanent residence in your home. Routine cleaning of your entire home is the best way to ensure pollutants will not linger.
  1. Consistently change your home’s HVAC filters per the manufacturer or your HVAC professional’s instructions. At Bayonet, we always recommend writing the date you replace them on the cardboard edge so you will know for certain the last time you swapped them out. Most store-bought one-inch filters should be changed monthly. Whole-house units, installed at the air handler, can be changed twice a year.
  1. Periodically ventilate your home. Most home heating and cooling systems do not bring in clean outdoor air and should not be relied on to keep your home’s air purified. Periodically opening windows, doors, and vents will bring in outdoor air and help to push unclean air out.

Monitoring your home’s air isn’t always the easiest task to remember. But for the sake of your family’s safety and wellness, it needs to be done. Contact Bayonet today to find out how we can help!

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Don’t Get Blown Away This Hurricane Season

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Hurricane season is upon us here in Florida, and with it lots of rain, wind, and bouts of flooding. And while a disasters are always a possibility, keep in mind we don’t always have to get hit hard to feel the effects of the ‘canes.

One thing that is often overlooked during hurricane season is your A/C unit. While we tend to remember to board our windows, sandbag our doors, and put valuables in a fire/waterproof safe, we often forget that there is a large, expensive appliance just waiting to be destroyed by the gale force winds.

So how exactly do you protect your HVAC unit in times of wild weather?

  1. If you have a window unit, unplug it entirely. Bring the unit indoors and seal the opening.
  2. Turn off your A/C unit before the storm, including the circuit breaker, to avoid electrical shocks if flooding should occur.
  3. Cover your outdoor unit with a tarp, wood panels, or both to keep it as safe as possible from water, dirt, and debris. If high winds are predicted, consider investing in a pair of hurricane straps and batten down the hatches.

Once the storm has passed, portable A/C units can be placed back into their original locations. For the outdoor units, remove the protective covering, inspect the units, and check the base. Should flooding occur, call a professional like Bayonet to ensure that no damage has been done to the electrical portions of the unit.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for a safe and hurricane-free season, but better to be safe than sorry!

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An A/C Unit is Only as Good as the Duct System

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

The coveted summer months have finally arrived and that means sunshine, hot temperatures, and fun in the sun. It also means that you are turning on your air conditioning units and will be running them regularly for the next few months. One of the most commonly overlooked areas of air conditioning units is the duct work that pumps all that ice cold air into your home – the ducts. Without a solid duct system in place your unit will not function at maximum performance, ultimately costing you money in added energy costs.

So, what are the most common problems with ducts?

Problem: Dirt, Dust and Debris. Dirt and debris from outside can make their way into your home by getting pulled into the unit and then into the ducts. Likewise, the dust that naturally exists in your home can be pulled into the vents and circulated throughout the ducts.

Solution: Professional Duct Cleaning. Outsource this – attempting to clean your own duct work is dangerous and will likely cause more problems than it will solve.

Problem: Leaky Ducts. The ducts are not properly sealed. Various studies have concluded that anywhere from 10-30% of the cooled air is lost as a result of leaks. Improper sealing is generally the cause of leakage.

Solution:   Get them tested. Bayonet can come out and evaluate and test the quality of your duct work and, should there be issues, make recommendations on how best to address them.

Making sure that you have a fully functioning A/C unit and well maintained and constructed ducts will help lower energy costs, increase performance, and keep your home cool as a cucumber this summer!

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When You Call for AC Repair In Tampa: Choose Wisely!

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

Air conditioners break and need repair in Tampa and across Florida; it is a fact of life. Today AC isn’t a luxury—it is a necessity. But when an AC or Heat Pump breaks, who do you call? Hundreds of AC companies are licensed in Florida, but how do you choose? We have some tips for the savvy consumer!

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. AC Repair companies in Tampa often run advertisements that say “FREE” tune up or offer a low cost tune up. If you are searching for a great deal on a cheap repair, you should know that the motive of many of these companies is to find something wrong with your AC unit so they can write up a huge repair bill or sell you a new system.

Check References! Before you call an AC company to make a repair, check their reputation. Thanks to the Better Business Bureau and Google, checking in on customer experiences is easier than ever. Look for companies with many reviews and mostly favorable ones. In the AC repair industry, especially in Tampa, there will always be people who are hard to please. Look for companies who have a mixture of good and bad reviews but have responded to the bad ones in a personal and timely fashion. If every review is a glowing one, they might be fabricated to make the company look better than they are.

-Are they licensed and adequately insured?  Take a moment and look at the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s website and make sure that the company is licensed to do work. Using an unlicensed contractor is a dangerous game. Your homeowner’s policy could get hit with the claim if an unlicensed contractor is injured on your property! Just to repair an AC unit in Tampa, a state license is required! Bayonet’s AC license number is CAC058062 and the plumbing license number is CFC042998. Both licenses are held by the company’s owners. Make sure the license holder isn’t someone the company has hired to “rent” the license, leaving virtually no responsibility on the owners or technicians, as it isn’t their State license on the line if a complaint is filed.

Repair or Replace? Many AC companies want to push the AC replacement over the AC repair. If your system is using R410a refrigerant and is under ten years old, a company pushing to replace your system instead of suggesting an AC repair should warrant warning bells! R22, commonly known as Freon™, is being phased out across the country. Additionally, the Department of Energy has mandated that all AC systems sold in the US must meet a minimum seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER) of 13. So if your AC system is in need of a repair in Tampa or anywhere in Florida, use this as qualifying criteria: 1.Is my AC system older than 10 years? 2. Does it use R22 refrigerant? 3. Was it less than 13 seer when I bought it? If you can answer “yes” to two or more of these questions, you might be a candidate for a new system; but if you can answer “no,” you are a likely candidate for an AC repair instead.

-Who’s going to complete the AC Repair? The technician arrives at your home. Hopefully, he or she is driving a company vehicle with a logo and hopefully he or she is wearing a uniform. But who is it really? Use a company like Bayonet Plumbing and AC which is Ask the Seal Certified. What’s that mean? It means that every employee who enters your home or deals with sensitive information-like your credit card number-has been background checked by a third-party company.  AC repair is one of the most popular trades taught in penitentiaries. Where did you AC repair technician get his experience?

The bottom line is simple, Tampa: Don’t Sweat, Just Call Bayonet for AC repair you can trust.

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Keep Your Cooling Bills Down This Summer

Friday, April 26th, 2013

The thermometer is beginning to creep higher in the Tampa area. It calls to mind the end of school, the beginning of beaches and vacation season, but it also finds residents closing those windows at night and running the air conditioning all day–and all night.

The next unavoidable event is the onset of higher power bills. It’s inevitable: no other appliance uses as much electricity as your air conditioner. In fact, in many homes, it can be the cause of up to 60 percent of the bill.

Don’t fret, because Bayonet has some simple tips to help you save money this season!

  • Get a thorough system cleaning. That’s stating the obvious, isn’t it? Almost everyone knows that AC units require maintenance to be efficient. Do you know why? The air passes over a very cold cold in the air handler. As it is drawn across the coil, it cools off, providing the cool air to your home. Dirt and debris can also accumulate on those coils, which minimizes the surface area for the air to contact the coils. When left dirty, eventually it can become so clogged that it will “freeze” coil and put strain on your compressor. If slightly dirty, the system has to run longer to achieve your set temperature level, and the longer that unit runs the higher the power bills climb!
  • BE CAREFUL when you choose the maintenance package! Caveat emptor is an ancient maxim that is quite applicable today. If you see an advertisement for a “tune-up” that is less than about $80, be very cautious. Truly, your system needs to have all mechanical parts checked, all amp draws checked and verified to be within normal limits, a refrigerant system check, both the indoor and outdoor coil cleaned, and a drain line and pan flush. That’s the minimum. Rare is the company that can do all of that for less than $80 in this economy. It should take more than an hour. Be a smart consumer and be sure you get what you need. Many of the companies who offer a dirt cheap “tune up” will be looking for ways to upsell you when they arrive.
  • Set your system to 78 degrees or higher…According to Florida Power, your savings begin to kick in when the thermostat is 78 degrees or higher. You can save more than 3 percent per degree over 78, so while you’re away, turn it up to cash in on some easy savings. If you have pets, no higher than 82, please…
  • If you’re considering system replacement, consider two speed systems! Yes, SEER is where it’s at for savings, but in our wonderfully tropical climate, humidity removal is not to be overlooked. Two-speed systems, especially today’s communicating ones, are especially good at removing humidity. A home at 78 degrees and 50 percent humidity feels like 74 degrees! Now that’s saving money without sacrifice!

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask our experts or email us. We’re here when you need us, so don’t sweat, call Bayonet!

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