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Spring Cleaning? Don’t forget the AC unit…

The cold snap is over and Easter’s not far away. For many, that is a signal to let the spring cleaning begin! Did you know that as little as 0.042 inches of dirt accumulated on condensing unit coil and reduce your system’s efficiency by 21 percent! It’s a fact, proven by an LSU study.

When you’re thinking about cleaning, think about your AC unit. If you haven’t had it cleaned recently, call 877-BAYONET and let one of our technicians give it the spring cleaning it deserves so it doesn’t run longer than it has to when it beats the summer heat and keeps your home and family cool.

Be careful when calling for a tune up. Some companies advertise a very low cost “inspection” but they don’t actually “do” anything; they simply inspect. That’s not going to help. On the promotions page of our website, we’re running a $57 tune up special, and it’s a great value. We clean the outdoor coil and the indoor (in place, removing the coil is an extra charge) among the over twenty other tasks performed while we’re there.

Reduce your summer cooling bills before they start! Kick off your spring cleaning with a Bayonet tune up. Don’t Forget to Call Bayonet!

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